Released Date:

November 11, 2020




Harmonist Kris (BornToSing01)

Drawn by:

Milly (Miku of WOT) 

with the help of 

SaboSimp (Kai Smith)


Kapten Destroya was written based off of KD SEKAI's real life story events, and how they met some friends who helped them to get through their issues in life. This book was also dedicated to their fans who have supported them since day 1, which is the reason why KD decided to use their fan's tag names in the community to their book. KD would like to write their story along with the story of the community called "Weebs of Teehuh", which in the book, are referred to as the "Teehuh Guild." Some characters that were not part of the guild are also within the same weeb community. The story is anime fiction itself, meaning, some scenes and settings were not real although it was based off of a real life situation. 

Story Plot

After the Great War that happened from Jamais Vu. The life on planet Kairo went back to normal, however; demons are still around. KD decided to join the guild to become stronger and to keep fighting these demons. That's not the only reason why KD joined the guild as he also wanted to serve justice because of what happened to his ex-girlfriend, Chizuru, Tanaka. Before going to Zanora, KD was about to fix his relationship with his ex-girlfriend, but unfortunately, she died. There are clues about what actually happened to her which will be discovered as each chapter is being read.